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Leadership With Heart

May 29, 2018

On the podcast call, Heather R Younger, podcast host, speaks with Trent Selbrede about his leadership journey. He reveals to listeners that he struggled to be the best leader he could be, because he was often unhappy and didn’t know why. He highlights that his discovery of self-awareness was the winning piece he was...

May 22, 2018

On this podcast episode, Heather speaks with Scott McCarthy about his journey as a leader in the Canadian Army. Scott reveals that his motivation for leading his people is really making the lives of his people better. He uses delegation and empowerment as his hallmarks. Scott shares some great stories. Some that...

May 15, 2018

In this podcast episode, Heather R. Younger, podcast host, speaks with Nate Iglienski about an emotional event that changed the way that he leads both his family and his team members.  He provides some great practical things he did to turn his team around after being told that they were not a team.
Nate points out...

May 8, 2018

In this podcast episode, podcast host, Heather R. Younger, speaks with Rob Pepper, Marketing and Business Strategy Leader at iStratus, LLC. Rob shares his fundamental leadership style. For Rob, his success strategy is surrounding himself with talented individuals and then letting them do what he hired them to do.


May 1, 2018

In this podcast episode, Heather speaks with Tom Dietzler, Director of Operations at St. Peter Lutheran Church. Tom highlights the importance of walking around daily to connect with his people and just talk to them. He reiterates the importance of consistent communication with his people. He says that if leaders...